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Hinsense Broadband is to hold a workshop in Santa Clara

2017-03-18 00:21:59

Hisense Broadband Multimedia Technologies Co., Ltd is to hold a workshop on March 25 at Hilton Santa Clara. Named as “To Build a Successful Photonics Business”, this workshop is to enhance the communication and collaboration in the optical industry between US and China. The business strategies for the next generation networks, as well as the technology trend of the fixed and wireless networks will be discussed. The latest data center, access, silicon photonics, and 5G wireless technologies will be addressed.

Workshop Schedule

4: 00pm-4: 30pm  Registration  

4: 30 pm-4: 35pm  Welcome speech and introduction

4: 35pm-5: 15pm  Keynote Speech

Wei-Ping Huang ,Chairman, Hisense Broadband

“To build a Successful Photonics Business”

5: 15pm-5: 35pm  Feature Speech 

Hua Zhang, General Manager, Hisense Broadband

“ The Growth of Optical Communication Business in Hisense”

5: 35pm-5: 45pm  Feature Speech

Charlie Wang, EVP of Hisense Corporate

“Hisense R&D Activities in Silicon Valley”

5: 45pm-6:00pm Q&A and Sweepstakes

6:00pm-7: 00pm Dinner and Socialize

For reservation please contact, Dorothy Cheer at dcheer@archcomtech.com; Ziyang Zhu at zhuziyang@hisense.com ;


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